Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The return of the croc

So you fall in love with a foreigner (or alien as people from another country are sometimes called in the English-American language). A foreigner is somebody who is not born in a part of the area that is part of your country. That is a big mistake buddy. WARNING to all persons under the legal age: it is strongly recommended to fall in love with a person who lives in the same country and who has a passport from the same country. Not following this advice most certainly leads to emotional damage and will cause you a lot of difficulties.

Personally I never gave a rat's @ss about someones nationality. To me that whole nation-state thing is way overrated. The idea of nation-state is in my view just a faulty construction to unify people. However the fundaments of this construction leads to often very strong polarisation between insiders and outsiders (read Elias' work on this in his book "The established and the outsiders, 1965). The nation-state leads to a strong internal cohesive feeling (which may of couse differ between states), sometimes leading to wars, often with less visible consequences (patriotic feelings).

This internal cohesion can possibly lead to a misplaced superiority feeling by the insiders. Especially if outsiders execute (unwanted) action this may accumulate into political polarisation. Wait a minute..........didn't this happened over the last 6 years in the Netherlands (apparently my homecountry, at least according to my passport)


Unknown said...

ben benieuwd naar je verhalen,
je staat in ieder geval nu aangeprezen op mijn blog (


mattyschell said...

About this difficulty with finding someone who lives in the same country... I think you have small country envy. TRY GIT'N A BIGGER COUNTRY buddy.

mattyschell said...

Oh wait, did the Dutch already try that? How'd that work out?

Christy said...

hehe..nice comments from mattyschell.
when are you going to post again. update us on the situation!

mattyschell said...

Yes, make with the post. I only have time to visit one Utrecht-based blog per day, and this one is in second place.